A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Families

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters
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Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F073331

Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F073331

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Basic Information
Family ID F073331
Family Type Metagenome / Metatranscriptome
Number of Sequences 120
Average Sequence Length 42 residues
Number of Associated Samples 106
Number of Associated Scaffolds 120

Quality Assessment
Transcriptomic Evidence Yes
Most common taxonomic group Bacteria
% of genes with valid RBS motifs 0.00 %
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) 99.17 %
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) 85.83 %
Associated GOLD sequencing projects 104
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction Yes
3D model pTM-score0.39

Note: High quality evidence is represented by blue. Low quality evidence is represented by red.
Hidden Markov Model
Powered by Skylign

Most Common Taxonomy
Group Bacteria (95.833 % of family members)
NCBI Taxonomy ID 2
Taxonomy All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria

Most Common Ecosystem
GOLD Ecosystem Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil
(35.833 % of family members)
Environment Ontology (ENVO) Unclassified
(30.000 % of family members)
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) Unclassified
(38.333 % of family members)


Multiple Sequence Alignments

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Structure & Topology

Predicted Secondary Structure and Topology

Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure
Classification: Globular Signal Peptide: No Secondary Structure distribution: α-helix: 42.03%    β-sheet: 0.00%    Coil/Unstructured: 57.97%
Feature Viewer
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Predicted 3D Structure

Structure Viewer
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT):
  0-50   51-70   71-90   91-100  
pTM-score: 0.39
Powered by PDBe Molstar

Low Quality Model:

This family has a low confidence model (pTM < 0.7) and has not been screened against SCOPe or PDB.


Gene Neighborhood

Neighboring Pfam domains

Pfam IDName % Frequency in 120 Family Scaffolds
PF00497SBP_bac_3 20.00
PF01464SLT 9.17
PF01551Peptidase_M23 3.33
PF06224HTH_42 2.50
PF14437MafB19-deam 2.50
PF07715Plug 1.67
PF00801PKD 1.67
PF00563EAL 1.67
PF06532NrsF 1.67
PF13426PAS_9 0.83
PF08281Sigma70_r4_2 0.83
PF01035DNA_binding_1 0.83
PF07944Glyco_hydro_127 0.83
PF02798GST_N 0.83
PF02016Peptidase_S66 0.83
PF01066CDP-OH_P_transf 0.83
PF02518HATPase_c 0.83
PF01103Omp85 0.83
PF08240ADH_N 0.83
PF07759DUF1615 0.83
PF13557Phenol_MetA_deg 0.83
PF00561Abhydrolase_1 0.83

Neighboring Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs)

COG IDNameFunctional Category % Frequency in 120 Family Scaffolds
COG3214DNA glycosylase YcaQ, repair of DNA interstrand crosslinksReplication, recombination and repair [L] 2.50
COG3434c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase YuxH/PdeH, contains EAL and HDOD domainsSignal transduction mechanisms [T] 1.67
COG4943Redox-sensing c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase, contains CSS-motif and EAL domainsSignal transduction mechanisms [T] 1.67
COG4944Uncharacterized conserved proteinFunction unknown [S] 1.67
COG5001Cyclic di-GMP metabolism protein, combines GGDEF and EAL domains with a 6TM membrane domainSignal transduction mechanisms [T] 1.67
COG2200EAL domain, c-di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase class I (or its enzymatically inactive variant)Signal transduction mechanisms [T] 1.67
COG3533Beta-L-arabinofuranosidase, GH127 familyCarbohydrate transport and metabolism [G] 0.83
COG3695Alkylated DNA nucleotide flippase Atl1, participates in nucleotide excision repair, Ada-like DNA-binding domainTranscription [K] 0.83
COG5050sn-1,2-diacylglycerol ethanolamine- and cholinephosphotranferasesLipid transport and metabolism [I] 0.83
COG0350DNA repair enzyme Ada (O6-methylguanine-DNA--protein-cysteine methyltransferase)Replication, recombination and repair [L] 0.83
COG0558Phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthaseLipid transport and metabolism [I] 0.83
COG1183Phosphatidylserine synthaseLipid transport and metabolism [I] 0.83
COG1619Muramoyltetrapeptide carboxypeptidase LdcA (peptidoglycan recycling)Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis [M] 0.83



NCBI Taxonomy

Select NCBI taxonomy Level:
All OrganismsrootAll Organisms95.83 %
UnclassifiedrootN/A4.17 %

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Associated Scaffolds

ScaffoldTaxonomyLengthIMG/M Link
3300002853|draft_1018368All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria → unclassified Gammaproteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria bacterium626Open in IMG/M
3300005186|Ga0066676_10626464All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria730Open in IMG/M
3300005437|Ga0070710_10685969All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria721Open in IMG/M
3300005557|Ga0066704_10922253All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria540Open in IMG/M
3300005578|Ga0068854_101611845All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria → unclassified Gammaproteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria bacterium592Open in IMG/M
3300005618|Ga0068864_101476405All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria683Open in IMG/M
3300005764|Ga0066903_102919823All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → delta/epsilon subdivisions → Deltaproteobacteria → unclassified Deltaproteobacteria → Deltaproteobacteria bacterium927Open in IMG/M
3300006796|Ga0066665_10078174All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria2369Open in IMG/M
3300006918|Ga0079216_10758644Not Available704Open in IMG/M
3300009092|Ga0105250_10389100Not Available616Open in IMG/M
3300009093|Ga0105240_10464114All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1414Open in IMG/M
3300009093|Ga0105240_12664561All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6516Open in IMG/M
3300009545|Ga0105237_12362102All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria542Open in IMG/M
3300010046|Ga0126384_10983048All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria767Open in IMG/M
3300010046|Ga0126384_11596108All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria614Open in IMG/M
3300010048|Ga0126373_11158307All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria839Open in IMG/M
3300010322|Ga0134084_10131452All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria827Open in IMG/M
3300010371|Ga0134125_12946339Not Available517Open in IMG/M
3300010373|Ga0134128_10350037All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1651Open in IMG/M
3300010373|Ga0134128_11263264Not Available814Open in IMG/M
3300010373|Ga0134128_13069312All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria513Open in IMG/M
3300010375|Ga0105239_10170214All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria2435Open in IMG/M
3300010375|Ga0105239_10516434All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria → unclassified Gammaproteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria bacterium1359Open in IMG/M
3300010396|Ga0134126_10009127All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria12497Open in IMG/M
3300010396|Ga0134126_10848979All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → delta/epsilon subdivisions → Deltaproteobacteria → unclassified Deltaproteobacteria → Deltaproteobacteria bacterium1030Open in IMG/M
3300010403|Ga0134123_10772923All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria950Open in IMG/M
3300012285|Ga0137370_10027737All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria2912Open in IMG/M
3300012359|Ga0137385_11338493All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6579Open in IMG/M
3300012927|Ga0137416_11908467All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6544Open in IMG/M
3300012927|Ga0137416_12231448Not Available503Open in IMG/M
3300012929|Ga0137404_11683946All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria → Nevskiales → Sinobacteraceae → Solimonas → Solimonas marina589Open in IMG/M
3300013100|Ga0157373_10972028All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria633Open in IMG/M
3300013306|Ga0163162_11567919All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria751Open in IMG/M
3300013308|Ga0157375_10107458All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria2884Open in IMG/M
3300015264|Ga0137403_10075484All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales → Alcaligenaceae → Achromobacter → Achromobacter piechaudii3415Open in IMG/M
3300015264|Ga0137403_10483224All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1111Open in IMG/M
3300016341|Ga0182035_11460735All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria → unclassified Gammaproteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria bacterium615Open in IMG/M
3300017936|Ga0187821_10121965All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria971Open in IMG/M
3300017961|Ga0187778_10169758All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1382Open in IMG/M
3300017966|Ga0187776_10062659All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria2139Open in IMG/M
3300018062|Ga0187784_11381971All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria → unclassified Gammaproteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria bacterium558Open in IMG/M
3300020582|Ga0210395_10020599All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria4853Open in IMG/M
3300021151|Ga0179584_1284313All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria611Open in IMG/M
3300021171|Ga0210405_10299715All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1270Open in IMG/M
3300021171|Ga0210405_10308092All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1251Open in IMG/M
3300021402|Ga0210385_10284807All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1222Open in IMG/M
3300021402|Ga0210385_11221260All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6577Open in IMG/M
3300021405|Ga0210387_10154876All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1963Open in IMG/M
3300021406|Ga0210386_11566858All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria547Open in IMG/M
3300021420|Ga0210394_10672116All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria908Open in IMG/M
3300021476|Ga0187846_10224232All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria784Open in IMG/M
3300025862|Ga0209483_1172612All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria882Open in IMG/M
3300025900|Ga0207710_10167611All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1073Open in IMG/M
3300025903|Ga0207680_10283135All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1152Open in IMG/M
3300025905|Ga0207685_10313888All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria780Open in IMG/M
3300025905|Ga0207685_10703240All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria550Open in IMG/M
3300025913|Ga0207695_10640630All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria944Open in IMG/M
3300025917|Ga0207660_10018911All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria4600Open in IMG/M
3300025921|Ga0207652_10302598All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_61443Open in IMG/M
3300025924|Ga0207694_10716679All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6844Open in IMG/M
3300026343|Ga0209159_1168899All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria804Open in IMG/M
3300026496|Ga0257157_1099157All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria510Open in IMG/M
3300026547|Ga0209156_10128243All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1239Open in IMG/M
3300026760|Ga0207630_108729All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria503Open in IMG/M
3300027014|Ga0207815_1038339All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria580Open in IMG/M
3300027171|Ga0207947_1008833All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6682Open in IMG/M
3300027297|Ga0208241_1077689All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria532Open in IMG/M
3300027562|Ga0209735_1147428All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria → unclassified Gammaproteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria bacterium511Open in IMG/M
3300027655|Ga0209388_1163192All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria627Open in IMG/M
3300027894|Ga0209068_10628667All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria626Open in IMG/M
3300028380|Ga0268265_10051921All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria3098Open in IMG/M
3300028877|Ga0302235_10189982All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria907Open in IMG/M
3300029944|Ga0311352_10771003All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria754Open in IMG/M
3300031057|Ga0170834_111267318All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria554Open in IMG/M
3300031122|Ga0170822_10070919All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6570Open in IMG/M
3300031507|Ga0307509_10539958All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria845Open in IMG/M
3300031543|Ga0318516_10724495All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6564Open in IMG/M
3300031549|Ga0318571_10034718All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1426Open in IMG/M
3300031549|Ga0318571_10473258All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6500Open in IMG/M
3300031561|Ga0318528_10584441All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria599Open in IMG/M
3300031564|Ga0318573_10271592All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria905Open in IMG/M
3300031668|Ga0318542_10255215All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria892Open in IMG/M
3300031680|Ga0318574_10092525All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1665Open in IMG/M
3300031719|Ga0306917_10231687All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1409Open in IMG/M
3300031724|Ga0318500_10011620All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria3106Open in IMG/M
3300031724|Ga0318500_10172325All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1027Open in IMG/M
3300031747|Ga0318502_10831990All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6560Open in IMG/M
3300031751|Ga0318494_10861847All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria531Open in IMG/M
3300031768|Ga0318509_10021543All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria3024Open in IMG/M
3300031770|Ga0318521_10052867All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria2103Open in IMG/M
3300031777|Ga0318543_10495593All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6547Open in IMG/M
3300031778|Ga0318498_10009645All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria3843Open in IMG/M
3300031782|Ga0318552_10471925All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria640Open in IMG/M
3300031799|Ga0318565_10343463All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria724Open in IMG/M
3300031805|Ga0318497_10614580All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria609Open in IMG/M
3300031819|Ga0318568_10719882All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria620Open in IMG/M
3300031859|Ga0318527_10130533All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1046Open in IMG/M
3300031860|Ga0318495_10387692All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6616Open in IMG/M
3300031894|Ga0318522_10237407All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria691Open in IMG/M
3300031896|Ga0318551_10607475All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria631Open in IMG/M
3300031897|Ga0318520_10023096All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria3000Open in IMG/M
3300031941|Ga0310912_11408393All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria526Open in IMG/M
3300031946|Ga0310910_10089897All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria2259Open in IMG/M
3300031959|Ga0318530_10448788All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria → unclassified Gammaproteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria bacterium535Open in IMG/M
3300031962|Ga0307479_10197306All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria1982Open in IMG/M
3300031996|Ga0308176_12493477All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria551Open in IMG/M
3300032009|Ga0318563_10579342All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6605Open in IMG/M
3300032041|Ga0318549_10021944All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria2428Open in IMG/M
3300032041|Ga0318549_10070652All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1481Open in IMG/M
3300032042|Ga0318545_10025951All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1894Open in IMG/M
3300032043|Ga0318556_10692094All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6530Open in IMG/M
3300032059|Ga0318533_10191379All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1462Open in IMG/M
3300032065|Ga0318513_10378557All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria690Open in IMG/M
3300032770|Ga0335085_11669181All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria657Open in IMG/M
3300032783|Ga0335079_11305945All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria724Open in IMG/M
3300032892|Ga0335081_12730579All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Alphaproteobacteria → Rhodospirillales → unclassified Rhodospirillales → Rhodospirillales bacterium TMPK1503Open in IMG/M
3300032898|Ga0335072_10653035All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria1042Open in IMG/M
3300032954|Ga0335083_10800017All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6756Open in IMG/M
3300033134|Ga0335073_12032803All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria524Open in IMG/M
3300033475|Ga0310811_11250794All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria → unclassified Cyanobacteria → Cyanobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_4_61_6601Open in IMG/M


Environmental Properties

Associated Habitat Types

Select Environment Taxonomy Level:
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil35.83%
Vadose Zone SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Vadose Zone Soil7.50%
Terrestrial SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Terrestrial Soil5.83%
Corn RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Corn Rhizosphere5.83%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Wetlands → Unclassified → Soil5.00%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Soil4.17%
Tropical Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Tropical Forest Soil2.50%
Tropical PeatlandEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Wetlands → Unclassified → Tropical Peatland2.50%
Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Forest Soil → Forest Soil2.50%
Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Agricultural Soil → Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere2.50%
Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Forest Soil1.67%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil1.67%
Tropical Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Forest Soil → Tropical Forest Soil1.67%
Corn RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Agricultural Soil → Corn Rhizosphere1.67%
PalsaEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Peat → Unclassified → Unclassified → Palsa1.67%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere1.67%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere1.67%
Freshwater SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Wetlands → Sediment → Freshwater Sediment0.83%
WatershedsEnvironmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Watersheds0.83%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil0.83%
Grasslands SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Grasslands Soil0.83%
Hydrocarbon Resource EnvironmentsEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Hydrocarbon Resource Environments0.83%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural Land → Soil0.83%
Agricultural SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural Land → Agricultural Soil0.83%
Arctic Peat SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Permafrost → Arctic Peat Soil0.83%
Hardwood Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Hardwood Forest Soil0.83%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural → Soil0.83%
BiofilmEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Cave → Unclassified → Unclassified → Biofilm0.83%
Corn RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Corn Rhizosphere0.83%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere0.83%
EctomycorrhizaHost-Associated → Plants → Roots → Unclassified → Unclassified → Ectomycorrhiza0.83%
Corn RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Corn Rhizosphere0.83%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.83%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Soil → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere0.83%

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Associated Samples

Taxon OIDSample NameHabitat TypeIMG/M Link
3300002853PDIso9.ppmwps2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005186Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_125EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005437Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - LAR L5-2 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005557Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_153EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005578Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Corn C4-2Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300005618Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Switchgrass S7-2Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300005764Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil - Plot 1 (version 2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006796Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_114EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006918Agricultural soil microbial communities from Utah to study Nitrogen management - NC AS100EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009092Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S5-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009093Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C5-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009545Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C2-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300010046Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_36EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010048Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_11EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010322Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_D_Glu_20cm_2_24_1 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010371Terrestrial soil microbial communities with excess Nitrogen fertilizer from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KB3-175-1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010373Terrestrial soil microbial communities with excess Nitrogen fertilizer from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KB3-175-4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010375Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C4-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300010396Terrestrial soil microbial communities with excess Nitrogen fertilizer from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KB3-175-2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010403Terrestrial soil microbial communities without Nitrogen fertilizer from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KB3-0-3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012285Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage1_R_20_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012359Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage2_R_80_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012927Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug3_1_1_16fungal (Illumina Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012929Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZOMad2_1_16fungal (Illumina Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300013100Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - C6-5 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300013306Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - S5-5 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300013308Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - M3-5 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015264Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZOMad2_1_16fungal (Hybrid Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300016341Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - flux4day.12C.oxic.44.000.170EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017936Wetland sediment microbial communities from Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA - SourceSoil_1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017961Tropical peat soil microbial communities from peatlands in Department of Meta, Colombia - 1015_Q2_SP5_20_MGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017966Tropical peat soil microbial communities from peatlands in Department of Meta, Colombia - 0216_BV02_MP12_20_MGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018062Tropical peat soil microbial communities from peatlands in Department of Meta, Colombia - 1015_SJ02_MP15_20_MGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020582Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-H-4-OEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021151Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug2_1_06_16RNAfungal (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021171Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-H-11-MEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021402Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-H-26-OEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021405Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-C-7-OEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021406Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-H-32-OEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021420Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-C-12-MEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021476Biofilm microbial communities from the roof of an iron ore cave, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil - TC_06 Biofilm (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025862Arctic peat soil microbial communities from the Barrow Environmental Observatory site, Barrow, Alaska, USA - NGEE PermafrostL2-A (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025900Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S2-4 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025903Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S2-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025905Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - LAR L11-1 metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025913Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C5-4 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025917Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C7-3B metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025921Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C6-3B metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025924Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C3-4 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300026343Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_144 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026496Soil microbial communities from H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, United States - NI-69-AEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026547Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_124 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026760Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling UWRJ-SCHO22-B (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027014Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - Sample 4 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027171Forest soil microbial communities from Harvard Forest Long Term Ecological Research site in Petersham, Massachusetts, USA - MetaG HF039 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027297Forest soil microbial communities from Harvard Forest Long Term Ecological Research site in Petersham, Massachusetts, USA - MetaG HF047 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027562Forest soil microbial communities from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada - Black Spruce, Ontario site 2_A8_Ref_M2 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027655Vadose zone soil and rhizosphere microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California to study diel carbon cycling - Rivendell_Oct2014_Saprolite_2_DNA_Bulk_1 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027894Freshwater sediment microbial communities in response to fracking from Pennsylvania, USA - Cold Stream Run_MetaG_CSR_2012 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028380Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Switchgrass S5-2 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028877Peat permafrost microbial communities from Stordalen Mire near Abisko, Sweden - II_Palsa_N3_3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300029944II_Palsa_E1 coassemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031057Oak Coassembly Site 11 - Champenoux / Amance forestEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031122Oak Spring Coassembly Site 11 - Champenoux / Amance forestEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031507Populus trichocarpa ectomycorrhiza microbial communities from riparian zone in the Pacific Northwest, United States - 10_EMHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300031543Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.176b2f20EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031549Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.088b5f24EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031561Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.052b4f26EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031564Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.089b5f21EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031668Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.168b4f23EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031680Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.089b5f22EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031719Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - timezero.00C.oxic.00.000.000 (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031724Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.174b1f20EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031747Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.174b1f22EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031751Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.108b1f24EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031768Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.084b2f22EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031770Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.178b2f17EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031777Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.168b4f24EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031778Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.109b1f24EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031782Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.082b2f20EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031799Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.066b5f21EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031805Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.109b1f23EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031819Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.088b5f21EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031859Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.052b4f25EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031860Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.108b1f25EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031894Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.178b2f18EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031896Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.082b2f19EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031897Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.178b2f16EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031941Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.bulkMG.OX080EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031946Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.bulkMG.HF172EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031959Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.053b4f24EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031962Hardwood forest soil microbial communities from Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Indiana, United States - atmos_gasesECM4C_515EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031996Soil microbial communities from UC Gill Tract Community Farm, Albany, California, United States - DLSLS.C.R2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032009Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.066b5f19EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032041Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.169b2f22EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032042Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.168b4f26EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032043Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.082b2f24EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032059Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.053b4f27EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032065Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.171b2f20EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032770Soil microbial communities from Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida, United States - Lox_Sample_4.5EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032783Soil microbial communities from Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida, United States - Lox_Sample_3.3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032892Soil microbial communities from Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida, United States - Lox_Sample_3.5EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032898Soil microbial communities from Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida, United States - Lox_Sample_2.1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032954Soil microbial communities from Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida, United States - Lox_Sample_4.2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300033134Soil microbial communities from Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida, United States - Lox_Sample_2.2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300033475Soil microbial communities from experimental microcosm in Duke University, North Carolina, United States - YCEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M

Geographical Distribution
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Family Sequences

Protein ID Sample Taxon ID Habitat Sequence
draft_101836833300002853Hydrocarbon Resource EnvironmentsDKAQYWELFTTFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFAAAYREAMKKSPG*
Ga0070710_1068596913300005437Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereELFTTFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFATAYREALKKQPPETT*
Ga0068854_10161184513300005578Corn RhizosphereFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFAAAYREALRKPHAPE*
Ga0068864_10147640513300005618Switchgrass RhizosphereYWELYGEFYRNLVEKPAELLPHTFVEAFSLAYREFLRRPRD*
Ga0066903_10291982323300005764Tropical Forest SoilQYWDLFTTFYRNLIEMPEDHLPHTFVEAFATAYRECLKKTD*
Ga0105250_1038910023300009092Switchgrass RhizosphereQYWELYQEFYRSLIEMPVDHLPHTFVEAFGRAYRGAMKKPAS*
Ga0105240_1046411413300009093Corn RhizosphereLFTTFYRNLIEMPEDHLPHTFVEAFAAAYKEYVKKPLP*
Ga0105237_1236210223300009545Corn RhizosphereFYRNLIEMPEDHLPHTFVEAFAAAYKEYVKKPLP*
Ga0126384_1098304813300010046Tropical Forest SoilWELFTTFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFAAAYREALKKKPDS*
Ga0126384_1159610813300010046Tropical Forest SoilWELFTSFYRNLIEMPTDHLPHTFVEAFAAAYREALKKPTQ*
Ga0126373_1115830713300010048Tropical Forest SoilTTFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAYAAAYREAVKKK*
Ga0134128_1035003713300010373Terrestrial SoilYWELFTTFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFATAYREAVKKKP*
Ga0134128_1306931223300010373Terrestrial SoilWELFTTFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFATAYREAVKKKP*
Ga0105239_1017021433300010375Corn RhizosphereWELFTTFYRNLIEMPEDHLPHTFVEAFAAAYKEYVKKPLP*
Ga0163162_1156791923300013306Switchgrass RhizosphereTTFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFAAAYREYVKKPLP*
Ga0137403_1007548413300015264Vadose Zone SoilFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFAAAYKEYVKKPLP*
Ga0187778_1016975833300017961Tropical PeatlandTFYRNLLDARADTLPQTFVEAFATAYREALKKSTEKPPE
Ga0207680_1028313533300025903Switchgrass RhizosphereELFTTFYRNLIEMPEDHLPHTFVEAFAAAYKEYVKKPLP
Ga0207685_1031388833300025905Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereQYWELFTTFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFAAAYREALRKPHVPE
Ga0207685_1070324013300025905Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereYWELYTTFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFAATYREALKKKPEP
Ga0307479_1019730613300031962Hardwood Forest SoilYWELFVSFYRNLIEMPADHLPHTFVEAFSSAYREATKKTES


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