A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Families

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters
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Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F086316

Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F086316

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Basic Information
Family ID F086316
Family Type Metagenome / Metatranscriptome
Number of Sequences 111
Average Sequence Length 49 residues
Number of Associated Samples 96
Number of Associated Scaffolds 111

Quality Assessment
Transcriptomic Evidence Yes
Most common taxonomic group Bacteria
% of genes with valid RBS motifs 43.93 %
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) 93.69 %
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) 87.39 %
Associated GOLD sequencing projects 94
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction Yes
3D model pTM-score0.49

Note: High quality evidence is represented by blue. Low quality evidence is represented by red.
Hidden Markov Model
Powered by Skylign

Most Common Taxonomy
Group Bacteria (81.982 % of family members)
NCBI Taxonomy ID 2
Taxonomy All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria

Most Common Ecosystem
GOLD Ecosystem Environmental → Terrestrial → Peat → Unclassified → Unclassified → Fen
(15.315 % of family members)
Environment Ontology (ENVO) Unclassified
(27.928 % of family members)
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) Free-living → Non-saline → Soil (non-saline)
(42.342 % of family members)


Multiple Sequence Alignments

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Structure & Topology

Predicted Secondary Structure and Topology

Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure
Classification: Globular Signal Peptide: No Secondary Structure distribution: α-helix: 38.57%    β-sheet: 0.00%    Coil/Unstructured: 61.43%
Feature Viewer
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Predicted 3D Structure

Structure Viewer
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT):
  0-50   51-70   71-90   91-100  
pTM-score: 0.49
Powered by PDBe Molstar

Low Quality Model:

This family has a low confidence model (pTM < 0.7) and has not been screened against SCOPe or PDB.


Gene Neighborhood

Neighboring Pfam domains

Pfam IDName % Frequency in 111 Family Scaffolds
PF00144Beta-lactamase 7.21
PF03741TerC 4.50
PF08386Abhydrolase_4 3.60
PF027395_3_exonuc_N 3.60
PF03401TctC 2.70
PF01557FAA_hydrolase 2.70
PF067253D 1.80
PF11158DUF2938 1.80
PF07859Abhydrolase_3 1.80
PF13360PQQ_2 1.80
PF00378ECH_1 1.80
PF00005ABC_tran 1.80
PF03328HpcH_HpaI 1.80
PF04909Amidohydro_2 1.80
PF08241Methyltransf_11 1.80
PF00106adh_short 0.90
PF00582Usp 0.90
PF13561adh_short_C2 0.90
PF04392ABC_sub_bind 0.90
PF069833-dmu-9_3-mt 0.90
PF01575MaoC_dehydratas 0.90
PF00027cNMP_binding 0.90
PF12706Lactamase_B_2 0.90
PF00355Rieske 0.90
PF00528BPD_transp_1 0.90
PF01011PQQ 0.90
PF01638HxlR 0.90
PF00593TonB_dep_Rec 0.90
PF07589PEP-CTERM 0.90
PF01053Cys_Met_Meta_PP 0.90
PF12836HHH_3 0.90
PF13649Methyltransf_25 0.90
PF00069Pkinase 0.90
PF02518HATPase_c 0.90
PF00857Isochorismatase 0.90
PF05292MCD 0.90
PF04397LytTR 0.90

Neighboring Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs)

COG IDNameFunctional Category % Frequency in 111 Family Scaffolds
COG1680CubicO group peptidase, beta-lactamase class C familyDefense mechanisms [V] 7.21
COG1686D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidaseCell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis [M] 7.21
COG2367Beta-lactamase class ADefense mechanisms [V] 7.21
COG0861Tellurite resistance membrane protein TerCInorganic ion transport and metabolism [P] 4.50
COG02585'-3' exonuclease Xni/ExoIX (flap endonuclease)Replication, recombination and repair [L] 3.60
COG0515Serine/threonine protein kinaseSignal transduction mechanisms [T] 3.60
COG3181Tripartite-type tricarboxylate transporter, extracytoplasmic receptor component TctCEnergy production and conversion [C] 2.70
COG0469Pyruvate kinaseCarbohydrate transport and metabolism [G] 1.80
COG0657Acetyl esterase/lipaseLipid transport and metabolism [I] 1.80
COG2301Citrate lyase beta subunitCarbohydrate transport and metabolism [G] 1.80
COG38362-keto-3-deoxy-L-rhamnonate aldolase RhmACarbohydrate transport and metabolism [G] 1.80
COG0075Archaeal aspartate aminotransferase or a related aminotransferase, includes purine catabolism protein PucGAmino acid transport and metabolism [E] 0.90
COG01567-keto-8-aminopelargonate synthetase or related enzymeCoenzyme transport and metabolism [H] 0.90
COG0399dTDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxygalactose transaminaseCell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis [M] 0.90
COG0436Aspartate/methionine/tyrosine aminotransferaseAmino acid transport and metabolism [E] 0.90
COG0520Selenocysteine lyase/Cysteine desulfuraseAmino acid transport and metabolism [E] 0.90
COG0626Cystathionine beta-lyase/cystathionine gamma-synthaseAmino acid transport and metabolism [E] 0.90
COG1335Nicotinamidase-related amidaseCoenzyme transport and metabolism [H] 0.90
COG1535Isochorismate hydrolaseSecondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism [Q] 0.90
COG1733DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, HxlR familyTranscription [K] 0.90
COG1921Seryl-tRNA(Sec) selenium transferaseTranslation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis [J] 0.90
COG1982Arginine/lysine/ornithine decarboxylaseAmino acid transport and metabolism [E] 0.90
COG2008Threonine aldolaseAmino acid transport and metabolism [E] 0.90
COG2764Zn-dependent glyoxalase, PhnB familyEnergy production and conversion [C] 0.90
COG2873O-acetylhomoserine/O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase, pyridoxal phosphate-dependentAmino acid transport and metabolism [E] 0.90
COG2984ABC-type uncharacterized transport system, periplasmic componentGeneral function prediction only [R] 0.90
COG3865Glyoxalase superfamily enzyme, possible 3-demethylubiquinone-9 3-methyltransferaseGeneral function prediction only [R] 0.90
COG4100Cystathionine beta-lyase family protein involved in aluminum resistanceInorganic ion transport and metabolism [P] 0.90



NCBI Taxonomy

Select NCBI taxonomy Level:
All OrganismsrootAll Organisms81.98 %
UnclassifiedrootN/A18.02 %

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Associated Scaffolds

ScaffoldTaxonomyLengthIMG/M Link
3300000550|F24TB_12074577Not Available679Open in IMG/M
3300000559|F14TC_103084540All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria543Open in IMG/M
3300000559|F14TC_108282388All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria545Open in IMG/M
3300000956|JGI10216J12902_110950560All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria527Open in IMG/M
3300001431|F14TB_104033235All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria526Open in IMG/M
3300005178|Ga0066688_10179245All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria1338Open in IMG/M
3300005178|Ga0066688_10748339Not Available616Open in IMG/M
3300005294|Ga0065705_10814973All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria605Open in IMG/M
3300005330|Ga0070690_101473638All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria549Open in IMG/M
3300005332|Ga0066388_102272207All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria981Open in IMG/M
3300005332|Ga0066388_107682932All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → unclassified Betaproteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria bacterium540Open in IMG/M
3300005332|Ga0066388_108160838All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria523Open in IMG/M
3300005338|Ga0068868_101656409All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria602Open in IMG/M
3300005340|Ga0070689_100874802All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → Micrococcales → Micrococcaceae → Arthrobacter → unclassified Arthrobacter → Arthrobacter sp. E3794Open in IMG/M
3300005447|Ga0066689_10968793All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria524Open in IMG/M
3300005466|Ga0070685_10023006All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria3406Open in IMG/M
3300005578|Ga0068854_102118405All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria519Open in IMG/M
3300005764|Ga0066903_105381582All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria676Open in IMG/M
3300005843|Ga0068860_101216989All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria773Open in IMG/M
3300005937|Ga0081455_10991220All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria520Open in IMG/M
3300006041|Ga0075023_100376887All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria607Open in IMG/M
3300006575|Ga0074053_10700784All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria567Open in IMG/M
3300007076|Ga0075435_101193861All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria666Open in IMG/M
3300007076|Ga0075435_101869963All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria527Open in IMG/M
3300009011|Ga0105251_10261753All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → Micrococcales → Micrococcaceae → Arthrobacter → unclassified Arthrobacter → Arthrobacter sp. E3780Open in IMG/M
3300009100|Ga0075418_12500659All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria564Open in IMG/M
3300009146|Ga0105091_10092208All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1381Open in IMG/M
3300009157|Ga0105092_10021694All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria3379Open in IMG/M
3300009177|Ga0105248_12061247All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → delta/epsilon subdivisions → Deltaproteobacteria → Myxococcales → Cystobacterineae → Archangiaceae → Hyalangium → Hyalangium minutum648Open in IMG/M
3300009177|Ga0105248_13230057All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria518Open in IMG/M
3300009792|Ga0126374_10155403All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1392Open in IMG/M
3300010043|Ga0126380_10503189All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria930Open in IMG/M
3300010046|Ga0126384_10420751All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1133Open in IMG/M
3300010048|Ga0126373_12991093All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria527Open in IMG/M
3300010360|Ga0126372_11385672All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria735Open in IMG/M
3300010361|Ga0126378_10284681All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales1753Open in IMG/M
3300010366|Ga0126379_12223845All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria649Open in IMG/M
3300010366|Ga0126379_12500486Not Available615Open in IMG/M
3300010376|Ga0126381_100694471All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales → Burkholderiaceae → Paraburkholderia → Paraburkholderia domus1455Open in IMG/M
3300010376|Ga0126381_105157248Not Available500Open in IMG/M
3300012924|Ga0137413_11264078All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria591Open in IMG/M
3300012930|Ga0137407_11514809All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria638Open in IMG/M
3300012951|Ga0164300_10329142All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria811Open in IMG/M
3300012988|Ga0164306_11265128All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria → Xanthomonadales → Xanthomonadaceae → Luteimonas → unclassified Luteimonas → Luteimonas sp. LNNU 24178622Open in IMG/M
3300013308|Ga0157375_12404823Not Available629Open in IMG/M
3300014326|Ga0157380_12116494All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → delta/epsilon subdivisions → Deltaproteobacteria → Myxococcales → Cystobacterineae → Archangiaceae → Hyalangium → Hyalangium minutum626Open in IMG/M
3300014884|Ga0180104_1240246All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria540Open in IMG/M
3300015371|Ga0132258_10040398All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales10577Open in IMG/M
3300015372|Ga0132256_101288409All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria843Open in IMG/M
3300016294|Ga0182041_11101696All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria721Open in IMG/M
3300016404|Ga0182037_12028316All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria517Open in IMG/M
3300017695|Ga0180121_10069729All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales → Oxalobacteraceae → Noviherbaspirillum → Noviherbaspirillum pedocola1249Open in IMG/M
3300017959|Ga0187779_10045773All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria2545Open in IMG/M
3300017959|Ga0187779_10468317All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria830Open in IMG/M
3300018028|Ga0184608_10358054All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria639Open in IMG/M
3300018431|Ga0066655_11236486Not Available532Open in IMG/M
3300025908|Ga0207643_10202540All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1209Open in IMG/M
3300025918|Ga0207662_10278686All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1106Open in IMG/M
3300025925|Ga0207650_10113070All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria2104Open in IMG/M
3300025925|Ga0207650_11039623All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria697Open in IMG/M
3300025960|Ga0207651_10666449Not Available914Open in IMG/M
3300025986|Ga0207658_10018452All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales4818Open in IMG/M
3300026095|Ga0207676_10060627All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria2993Open in IMG/M
3300027874|Ga0209465_10672626Not Available509Open in IMG/M
3300027910|Ga0209583_10282646All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria746Open in IMG/M
3300027915|Ga0209069_10296375Not Available857Open in IMG/M
3300028380|Ga0268265_10077089All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria2617Open in IMG/M
3300028732|Ga0302264_1084679All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales → Oxalobacteraceae → Massilia group → Massilia → unclassified Massilia → Massilia sp. H6750Open in IMG/M
3300028736|Ga0302214_1082983All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales → Oxalobacteraceae → Massilia group → Massilia → unclassified Massilia → Massilia sp. H6670Open in IMG/M
3300028741|Ga0302256_10071399All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria901Open in IMG/M
3300029923|Ga0311347_10978844All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria514Open in IMG/M
3300030000|Ga0311337_11155873All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Alphaproteobacteria676Open in IMG/M
3300030002|Ga0311350_10217579All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales → Burkholderiaceae → Paraburkholderia1700Open in IMG/M
3300030002|Ga0311350_11614537All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Alphaproteobacteria574Open in IMG/M
3300030014|Ga0302175_10070994All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Alphaproteobacteria772Open in IMG/M
3300030294|Ga0311349_10443360All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1228Open in IMG/M
3300030491|Ga0302211_10039024All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria1354Open in IMG/M
3300030838|Ga0311335_10539571All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → unclassified Betaproteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_12_FULL_67_28812Open in IMG/M
3300030838|Ga0311335_10932978All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria617Open in IMG/M
3300030838|Ga0311335_11135328All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria559Open in IMG/M
3300030943|Ga0311366_10388493All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria1213Open in IMG/M
3300031170|Ga0307498_10464976All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria510Open in IMG/M
3300031232|Ga0302323_102428776All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria598Open in IMG/M
3300031366|Ga0307506_10507923All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria512Open in IMG/M
3300031719|Ga0306917_11099188All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria619Open in IMG/M
3300031720|Ga0307469_10074439All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria2268Open in IMG/M
3300031720|Ga0307469_10567177All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1008Open in IMG/M
3300031720|Ga0307469_12152753All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria543Open in IMG/M
3300031726|Ga0302321_101583583All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales → Oxalobacteraceae → Massilia group → Massilia → unclassified Massilia → Massilia sp. H6756Open in IMG/M
3300031740|Ga0307468_100368473All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1080Open in IMG/M
3300031747|Ga0318502_10218067Not Available1107Open in IMG/M
3300031763|Ga0318537_10305652Not Available588Open in IMG/M
3300031765|Ga0318554_10537266Not Available660Open in IMG/M
3300031781|Ga0318547_10266011All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1036Open in IMG/M
3300031797|Ga0318550_10192713Not Available985Open in IMG/M
3300031893|Ga0318536_10680114All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria513Open in IMG/M
3300031903|Ga0307407_10682454Not Available772Open in IMG/M
3300031918|Ga0311367_10033376All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales → Oxalobacteraceae → Janthinobacterium5586Open in IMG/M
3300031942|Ga0310916_11447240All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria561Open in IMG/M
3300031944|Ga0310884_10443900All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria753Open in IMG/M
3300031946|Ga0310910_10882264Not Available702Open in IMG/M
3300031996|Ga0308176_11885563All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria638Open in IMG/M
3300032004|Ga0307414_11058866Not Available748Open in IMG/M
3300032005|Ga0307411_12209435All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → unclassified Betaproteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria bacterium516Open in IMG/M
3300032205|Ga0307472_100175392All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1599Open in IMG/M
3300034354|Ga0364943_0218938All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → unclassified Betaproteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria bacterium704Open in IMG/M
3300034417|Ga0364941_109999All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria670Open in IMG/M


Environmental Properties

Associated Habitat Types

Select Environment Taxonomy Level:
FenEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Peat → Unclassified → Unclassified → Fen15.32%
Tropical Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Tropical Forest Soil9.01%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil7.21%
Tropical Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Forest Soil → Tropical Forest Soil5.41%
Hardwood Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Hardwood Forest Soil4.50%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Soil → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere4.50%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil3.60%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Soil3.60%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Grasslands → Soil3.60%
Switchgrass RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Agricultural Soil → Switchgrass Rhizosphere3.60%
WatershedsEnvironmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Watersheds2.70%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil2.70%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere2.70%
Populus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Populus Rhizosphere2.70%
RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Rhizosphere2.70%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere2.70%
Freshwater SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Sediment → Unclassified → Freshwater Sediment1.80%
Groundwater SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Groundwater Sediment1.80%
Vadose Zone SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Vadose Zone Soil1.80%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural → Soil1.80%
Tropical PeatlandEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Wetlands → Unclassified → Tropical Peatland1.80%
SedimentEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Floodplain → Sediment → Unclassified → Sediment1.80%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere1.80%
Polar Desert SandEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Ice → Unclassified → Polar Desert Sand0.90%
SoilEnvironmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil0.90%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil0.90%
Switchgrass RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere0.90%
Grasslands SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Grasslands Soil0.90%
Arabidopsis RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Unclassified → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Rhizosphere0.90%
Corn RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Corn Rhizosphere0.90%
Tabebuia Heterophylla RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Tabebuia Heterophylla Rhizosphere0.90%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.90%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere0.90%
Corn RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Soil → Unclassified → Corn Rhizosphere0.90%
Arabidopsis RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Soil → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Rhizosphere0.90%

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Associated Samples

Taxon OIDSample NameHabitat TypeIMG/M Link
3300000550Amended soil microbial communities from Kansas Great Prairies, USA - BrdU amended with acetate total DNA F2.4 TB clc assemlyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300000559Amended soil microbial communities from Kansas Great Prairies, USA - control no BrdU total DNA F1.4 TC clc assemlyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300000956Soil microbial communities from Great Prairies - Kansas, Native Prairie soilEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300001431Amended soil microbial communities from Kansas Great Prairies, USA - BrdU F1.4TB clc assemlyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005178Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_137EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005294Switchgrass rhizosphere bacterial communities from Rose Lake, Michigan, USA - RL2 Bulk SoilEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005330Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S3-3H metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005332Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil - Plot 6 (Hybrid Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005338Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Miscanthus M4-2Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300005340Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S2-3H metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005447Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_138EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005466Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S1-3L metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005578Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Corn C4-2Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300005764Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil - Plot 1 (version 2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005843Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Switchgrass S3-2Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300005937Tabebuia heterophylla rhizosphere microbial communities from the University of Puerto Rico - S3T2R1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300006041Freshwater sediment microbial communities in response to fracking from Pennsylvania, USA - Straight Creek_MetaG_SC_2014EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006575Soil and rhizosphere microbial communities from Centre INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, Laval, Canada - Soil microcosm metaTmtLAA (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300007076Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. TD hybrid SRZTD4Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009011Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S6-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009100Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Soil MetaG P. deltoides SBSDD2Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009146Freshwater sediment microbial communities from Prairie Pothole Lake near Jamestown, North Dakota, USA - PPLs Lake P7 Core (1) Depth 10-12cm March2015EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009157Freshwater sediment microbial communities from Prairie Pothole Lake near Jamestown, North Dakota, USA - PPLs Lake P7 Core (1) Depth 19-21cm March2015EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009177Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S3-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009792Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_12EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010043Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_26EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010046Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_36EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010048Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_11EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010360Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_6EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010361Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_23EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010366Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_24EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010376Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_28EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010868Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil - Plot 6 (PacBio error correction)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012924Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug2_1_16fungal (Illumina Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012930Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZOMad2_2_16fungal (Illumina Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012951Unamended control soil microbial communities from upstate New York, USA - Whitman soil sample_226_MGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012988Soil microbial communities amended with fresh organic matter from upstate New York, USA - Whitman soil sample_242_MGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300013308Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - M3-5 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300014326Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - S3-5 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300014884Soil microbial communities from meander-bound floodplain in the East River, Colorado, USA - East River metaG ERMLT730_16_1DaEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300015371Combined assembly of cpr5 and col0 rhizosphere and soilHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015372Soil combined assemblyHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300016294Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - flux8day.12C.oxic.44.000.178EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300016404Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - statoxic.12C.oxic.44.000.082EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017695Polar desert sand microbial communities from Dry Valleys, Antarctica - metaG UQ540 (21.06) (version 2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017959Tropical peat soil microbial communities from peatlands in Department of Meta, Colombia - 1015_Q2_SP10_10_MGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018028Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM1_30_coexEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018081Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM3_30_b1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018431Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_104EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025908Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Miscanthus M6-2 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025918Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S3-3L metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025923Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S5-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025925Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S6-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025945Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C7-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025960Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS M2-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025986Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S3-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300026095Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Switchgrass S7-2 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300027874Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil Plot 1 MoBio (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027910Freshwater sediment microbial communities in response to fracking from Pennsylvania, USA - Straight Creek_MetaG_SC_2014 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027915Freshwater sediment microbial communities in response to fracking from Pennsylvania, USA - Straight Creek_MetaG_SC_2013 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028380Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Switchgrass S5-2 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028732Peat permafrost microbial communities from Stordalen Mire near Abisko, Sweden - II_Fen_N3_4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028736Peat permafrost microbial communities from Stordalen Mire near Abisko, Sweden - II_Fen_N1_3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028741Peat permafrost microbial communities from Stordalen Mire near Abisko, Sweden - I_Fen_E3_4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300029923II_Fen_E1 coassemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030000I_Fen_N3 coassemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030002II_Fen_N1 coassemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030014Peat permafrost microbial communities from Stordalen Mire near Abisko, Sweden - I_Fen_N3_3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030294II_Fen_E3 coassemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030491Peat permafrost microbial communities from Stordalen Mire near Abisko, Sweden - II_Fen_E3_3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030838I_Fen_N1 coassemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030943III_Fen_N2 coassemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031170Soil microbial communities from Populus trichocarpa stands in riparian zone in the Pacific Northwest, United States - 12_SEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031232Peat permafrost microbial communities from Stordalen Mire near Abisko, Sweden - Fen_T0_3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031366Soil microbial communities from Populus trichocarpa stands in riparian zone in the Pacific Northwest, United States - 25_SEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031719Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - timezero.00C.oxic.00.000.000 (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031720Hardwood forest soil microbial communities from Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Indiana, United States - atmos_gasesAM2C_515EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031726Peat permafrost microbial communities from Stordalen Mire near Abisko, Sweden - Fen_T0_1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031740Hardwood forest soil microbial communities from Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Indiana, United States - atmos_gases AM2C_05EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031747Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.174b1f22EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031763Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.117b4f29EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031765Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.082b2f22EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031781Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.169b2f20EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031797Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.169b2f23EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031893Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.117b4f28EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031903Maize rhizosphere microbial communities from greenhouse at UC Davis, California, United States - 322HYB-O-1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300031918III_Fen_N3 coassemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031942Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.bulkMG.LF176EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031944Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - T60D1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031946Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.bulkMG.HF172EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031996Soil microbial communities from UC Gill Tract Community Farm, Albany, California, United States - DLSLS.C.R2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032004Maize rhizosphere microbial communities from greenhouse at UC Davis, California, United States - DK15-O-3Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300032005Maize rhizosphere microbial communities from greenhouse at UC Davis, California, United States - DK15-O-1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300032205Hardwood forest soil microbial communities from Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Indiana, United States - atmos_gasesAM5C_05EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300034354Sediment microbial communities from East River floodplain, Colorado, United States - 23_s17EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300034417Sediment microbial communities from East River floodplain, Colorado, United States - 17_s17EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M

Geographical Distribution
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Family Sequences

Protein ID Sample Taxon ID Habitat Sequence
Ga0070689_10087480213300005340Switchgrass RhizosphereMALNSALKQLIEAKLAHTAAPQWMLPITEVRQAFRNLWTPAMT
Ga0068854_10211840513300005578Corn RhizosphereMAMHPALQHLIDTKLAHTRAPQWELPIADVRDSFRALWT
Ga0081455_1099122023300005937Tabebuia Heterophylla RhizosphereMPLDPALKQLIDAKLAHTRAQQWELPIADVRRAFRELWTPAMTG
Ga0105251_1026175313300009011Switchgrass RhizosphereMALNPALKQLIEGKLANTRLPQWRLPITEVRQAFRN
Ga0105091_1009220813300009146Freshwater SedimentMALNAALKQLIETKLAHTREPQWALPIAEVRQAFRNLWTPAI
Ga0105248_1206124733300009177Switchgrass RhizosphereMALNAALKQLLEAKLAHTQKAQWELPIGQVRKAFRELWTP
Ga0105248_1323005723300009177Switchgrass RhizosphereMALDPALKRLIETKLAHASAPQWALPIDEVRRAFRNLWTPAITG
Ga0126380_1050318923300010043Tropical Forest SoilMALDPALERLIQIKLAHTVRPQWELPIGEVRQAFRNLWTP
Ga0126373_1299109323300010048Tropical Forest SoilMALNAALKQLIETKLAHTHKPQWELPTTEVRQAFRNLWTSA
Ga0126378_1028468133300010361Tropical Forest SoilMPLNPALKQLIETKLAHTHTPQWELPIAEVRQAFRNLWT
Ga0126379_1222384533300010366Tropical Forest SoilMALDPALRKLIETKLTHTQKPQWELPIAEVRQAFRNLWTP
Ga0126381_10515724813300010376Tropical Forest SoilMALHPALRQLIDAKLAHAQKPQWEMSIEEVRQAFRNLWTP
Ga0157380_1211649413300014326Switchgrass RhizosphereMALNAALKQLLEAKLAHAQKAQWELPIGQVRKTFRDLWTP
Ga0066655_1123648613300018431Grasslands SoilMALNAALKQLIETKLANTHEPQWVLPITEVRQAFR
Ga0207643_1020254033300025908Miscanthus RhizosphereMALNAALKQLLEAKLAHTQKAQWELPIGQVRKAFR
Ga0207662_1027868623300025918Switchgrass RhizosphereMALNPALKQLIEAKLAHTPTPQWMLPITGVRQAFRNL
Ga0207658_1001845283300025986Switchgrass RhizosphereMALDPALKRLIETKLAHASAPQWALPIDEVRQAFRNLWTPLI
Ga0207676_1006062713300026095Switchgrass RhizosphereMALNPALKQLIEGKLANTRLPQWRLPITEVRQAFRNLWTPAMTGEP
Ga0268265_1007708963300028380Switchgrass RhizosphereMALNAALRQLLEAKLAHTQKAQWELPIEQVRTAFR
Ga0307469_1215275323300031720Hardwood Forest SoilMPLDPGLQRLIETKLAHTQKPQWELPIAEVRQAFRNLWT
Ga0307472_10017539223300032205Hardwood Forest SoilMALNAALKQLIETKLAHTREPQWALPIAEVRQAFRN


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