A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Families

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters
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Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F093952

Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F093952

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Basic Information
Family ID F093952
Family Type Metagenome / Metatranscriptome
Number of Sequences 106
Average Sequence Length 40 residues
Number of Associated Samples 94
Number of Associated Scaffolds 106

Quality Assessment
Transcriptomic Evidence Yes
Most common taxonomic group Bacteria
% of genes with valid RBS motifs 1.89 %
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) 97.17 %
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) 87.74 %
Associated GOLD sequencing projects 92
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction Yes
3D model pTM-score0.46

Note: High quality evidence is represented by blue. Low quality evidence is represented by red.
Hidden Markov Model
Powered by Skylign

Most Common Taxonomy
Group Bacteria (53.774 % of family members)
NCBI Taxonomy ID 2
Taxonomy All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria

Most Common Ecosystem
GOLD Ecosystem Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Vadose Zone Soil
(18.868 % of family members)
Environment Ontology (ENVO) Unclassified
(25.472 % of family members)
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) Free-living → Non-saline → Soil (non-saline)
(49.057 % of family members)


Multiple Sequence Alignments

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Structure & Topology

Predicted Secondary Structure and Topology

Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure
Classification: Globular Signal Peptide: No Secondary Structure distribution: α-helix: 25.37%    β-sheet: 0.00%    Coil/Unstructured: 74.63%
Feature Viewer
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Predicted 3D Structure

Structure Viewer
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT):
  0-50   51-70   71-90   91-100  
pTM-score: 0.46
Powered by PDBe Molstar

Low Quality Model:

This family has a low confidence model (pTM < 0.7) and has not been screened against SCOPe or PDB.


Gene Neighborhood

Neighboring Pfam domains

Pfam IDName % Frequency in 106 Family Scaffolds
PF00266Aminotran_5 86.79
PF01592NifU_N 5.66
PF00012HSP70 2.83
PF01521Fe-S_biosyn 0.94
PF07743HSCB_C 0.94
PF01087GalP_UDP_transf 0.94
PF02082Rrf2 0.94

Neighboring Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs)

COG IDNameFunctional Category % Frequency in 106 Family Scaffolds
COG0822Fe-S cluster assembly scaffold protein IscU, NifU familyPosttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones [O] 5.66
COG0443Molecular chaperone DnaK (HSP70)Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones [O] 2.83
COG4841Uncharacterized conserved protein YneR, related to HesB/YadR/YfhF familyFunction unknown [S] 0.94
COG0316Fe-S cluster assembly iron-binding protein IscAPosttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones [O] 0.94
COG0640DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, ArsR familyTranscription [K] 0.94
COG1076DnaJ domain-containing proteinPosttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones [O] 0.94
COG1414DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, IclR familyTranscription [K] 0.94
COG1725DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YhcF, GntR familyTranscription [K] 0.94
COG1959DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, IscR familyTranscription [K] 0.94
COG2186DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, FadR familyTranscription [K] 0.94
COG2188DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, GntR familyTranscription [K] 0.94
COG2378Predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YobV, contains HTH and WYL domainsTranscription [K] 0.94
COG2524Predicted transcriptional regulator, contains C-terminal CBS domainsTranscription [K] 0.94



NCBI Taxonomy

Select NCBI taxonomy Level:
All OrganismsrootAll Organisms53.77 %
UnclassifiedrootN/A46.23 %

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Associated Scaffolds

ScaffoldTaxonomyLengthIMG/M Link
3300001593|JGI12635J15846_10069237Not Available2615Open in IMG/M
3300002560|JGI25383J37093_10182683All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae → Candidatus Koribacter → Candidatus Koribacter versatilis552Open in IMG/M
3300004119|Ga0058887_1480185All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae635Open in IMG/M
3300004119|Ga0058887_1485999All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae821Open in IMG/M
3300005163|Ga0066823_10006542All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae1551Open in IMG/M
3300005171|Ga0066677_10088886All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae1618Open in IMG/M
3300005293|Ga0065715_10345006All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae961Open in IMG/M
3300005446|Ga0066686_10972395All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae → Candidatus Koribacter553Open in IMG/M
3300005454|Ga0066687_10191661All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae1110Open in IMG/M
3300005554|Ga0066661_10169959All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae1341Open in IMG/M
3300005650|Ga0075038_10019352All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae594Open in IMG/M
3300005764|Ga0066903_109042457All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae504Open in IMG/M
3300006102|Ga0075015_100813637All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae562Open in IMG/M
3300006354|Ga0075021_10641362Not Available680Open in IMG/M
3300006914|Ga0075436_101555385All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae503Open in IMG/M
3300007265|Ga0099794_10016041All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae3316Open in IMG/M
3300009038|Ga0099829_10672961Not Available860Open in IMG/M
3300009038|Ga0099829_11713742All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria516Open in IMG/M
3300009088|Ga0099830_10204134Not Available1548Open in IMG/M
3300009521|Ga0116222_1214808Not Available829Open in IMG/M
3300009553|Ga0105249_12608446All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria578Open in IMG/M
3300010098|Ga0127463_1087546Not Available1012Open in IMG/M
3300010858|Ga0126345_1003142Not Available1486Open in IMG/M
3300010880|Ga0126350_10336803All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria548Open in IMG/M
3300011120|Ga0150983_10887690Not Available1413Open in IMG/M
3300011120|Ga0150983_13036160Not Available1076Open in IMG/M
3300011120|Ga0150983_14062113Not Available877Open in IMG/M
3300011271|Ga0137393_10412184Not Available1157Open in IMG/M
3300011271|Ga0137393_11139921Not Available662Open in IMG/M
3300012004|Ga0120134_1081514All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria591Open in IMG/M
3300012189|Ga0137388_11519437All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria607Open in IMG/M
3300012209|Ga0137379_10507750Not Available1113Open in IMG/M
3300012357|Ga0137384_10028337All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae → Acidobacterium → Acidobacterium ailaaui4593Open in IMG/M
3300012361|Ga0137360_10716081Not Available860Open in IMG/M
3300012373|Ga0134042_1115227All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria1635Open in IMG/M
3300012406|Ga0134053_1246182All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria594Open in IMG/M
3300012917|Ga0137395_10181634Not Available1457Open in IMG/M
3300012925|Ga0137419_10853582Not Available747Open in IMG/M
3300012927|Ga0137416_10284372Not Available1365Open in IMG/M
3300012929|Ga0137404_11372685All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria652Open in IMG/M
3300012948|Ga0126375_10589621Not Available847Open in IMG/M
3300012971|Ga0126369_12792858All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria571Open in IMG/M
3300012976|Ga0134076_10128300Not Available1025Open in IMG/M
3300013306|Ga0163162_10191410Not Available2173Open in IMG/M
3300013306|Ga0163162_12091658Not Available649Open in IMG/M
3300014154|Ga0134075_10176595Not Available916Open in IMG/M
3300015052|Ga0137411_1354314Not Available6542Open in IMG/M
3300015082|Ga0167662_1003999All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria1744Open in IMG/M
3300015162|Ga0167653_1036305Not Available908Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_105808579Not Available522Open in IMG/M
3300017823|Ga0187818_10025077All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae2552Open in IMG/M
3300017927|Ga0187824_10187251All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria699Open in IMG/M
3300017930|Ga0187825_10025337All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria1997Open in IMG/M
3300017975|Ga0187782_11027258All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria642Open in IMG/M
3300017996|Ga0187891_1287175All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria539Open in IMG/M
3300018007|Ga0187805_10490284All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria575Open in IMG/M
3300018020|Ga0187861_10259418Not Available755Open in IMG/M
3300018077|Ga0184633_10464856All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria622Open in IMG/M
3300018082|Ga0184639_10074756All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae1774Open in IMG/M
3300020199|Ga0179592_10105001Not Available1297Open in IMG/M
3300020581|Ga0210399_11261643All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria584Open in IMG/M
3300021168|Ga0210406_10862688Not Available684Open in IMG/M
3300021178|Ga0210408_10960055Not Available663Open in IMG/M
3300021178|Ga0210408_11416130All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria523Open in IMG/M
3300021405|Ga0210387_10459880Not Available1130Open in IMG/M
3300021433|Ga0210391_10073179All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae2710Open in IMG/M
3300021478|Ga0210402_11753646All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria547Open in IMG/M
3300021478|Ga0210402_11762438All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria545Open in IMG/M
3300021560|Ga0126371_10990338Not Available983Open in IMG/M
3300022513|Ga0242667_1030691All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria611Open in IMG/M
3300022530|Ga0242658_1083911All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria737Open in IMG/M
3300022531|Ga0242660_1088287All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae741Open in IMG/M
3300022720|Ga0242672_1122102All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria534Open in IMG/M
3300024330|Ga0137417_1376697All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia4180Open in IMG/M
3300025898|Ga0207692_10820640All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria609Open in IMG/M
3300025898|Ga0207692_10871203Not Available591Open in IMG/M
3300025916|Ga0207663_10739138Not Available781Open in IMG/M
3300025938|Ga0207704_11957518All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria504Open in IMG/M
3300026469|Ga0257169_1029048Not Available818Open in IMG/M
3300026490|Ga0257153_1034182Not Available1049Open in IMG/M
3300026550|Ga0209474_10632157All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria550Open in IMG/M
3300027654|Ga0209799_1064171Not Available825Open in IMG/M
3300027660|Ga0209736_1012577All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae2693Open in IMG/M
3300027681|Ga0208991_1137519Not Available725Open in IMG/M
3300027684|Ga0209626_1199162All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria531Open in IMG/M
3300027819|Ga0209514_10156412Not Available1209Open in IMG/M
3300027835|Ga0209515_10249700Not Available1023Open in IMG/M
3300027867|Ga0209167_10012418All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae → Acidobacterium4032Open in IMG/M
3300027875|Ga0209283_10025397All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → Acidobacteriia → Acidobacteriales → Acidobacteriaceae → Acidobacterium → Acidobacterium ailaaui3663Open in IMG/M
3300027875|Ga0209283_10716302All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria624Open in IMG/M
3300027879|Ga0209169_10406600Not Available716Open in IMG/M
3300027882|Ga0209590_10051983Not Available2288Open in IMG/M
3300027894|Ga0209068_10139470Not Available1305Open in IMG/M
3300027895|Ga0209624_10385247All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Bacteria incertae sedis → Bacteria candidate phyla → Candidatus Sumerlaeota → unclassified Candidatus Sumerlaeota → candidate division BRC1 bacterium ADurb.BinA364934Open in IMG/M
3300027905|Ga0209415_10515391Not Available916Open in IMG/M
3300027905|Ga0209415_10691682All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Bacteria incertae sedis → Bacteria candidate phyla → Candidatus Sumerlaeota → unclassified Candidatus Sumerlaeota → candidate division BRC1 bacterium ADurb.BinA364733Open in IMG/M
3300028780|Ga0302225_10350636Not Available696Open in IMG/M
3300029993|Ga0302304_10039868All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria1905Open in IMG/M
3300030923|Ga0138296_1304115All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria548Open in IMG/M
3300031128|Ga0170823_16184839All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria556Open in IMG/M
3300031545|Ga0318541_10876591All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria501Open in IMG/M
3300031754|Ga0307475_10096773Not Available2298Open in IMG/M
3300031823|Ga0307478_10614596Not Available909Open in IMG/M
3300031823|Ga0307478_10899926Not Available741Open in IMG/M
3300031897|Ga0318520_10731480Not Available619Open in IMG/M
3300031962|Ga0307479_10511467Not Available1184Open in IMG/M


Environmental Properties

Associated Habitat Types

Select Environment Taxonomy Level:
Vadose Zone SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Vadose Zone Soil18.87%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil16.04%
Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Forest Soil → Forest Soil9.43%
Grasslands SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Grasslands Soil4.72%
Freshwater SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Wetlands → Sediment → Freshwater Sediment3.77%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Soil3.77%
Hardwood Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Hardwood Forest Soil3.77%
WatershedsEnvironmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Watersheds2.83%
Tropical Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Tropical Forest Soil2.83%
Peatlands SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Peatlands Soil2.83%
Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Agricultural Soil → Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere2.83%
PeatlandEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Wetlands → Bog → Peatland1.89%
GroundwaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Groundwater → Contaminated → Groundwater1.89%
Groundwater SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Groundwater Sediment1.89%
Glacier Forefield SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Glacier Forefield Soil1.89%
Tropical Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Forest Soil → Tropical Forest Soil1.89%
PalsaEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Peat → Unclassified → Unclassified → Palsa1.89%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere1.89%
Boreal Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Boreal Forest Soil1.89%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil0.94%
Surface SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Surface Soil0.94%
PermafrostEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Permafrost → Permafrost0.94%
Grasslands SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Grasslands Soil0.94%
Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Forest Soil0.94%
Tropical PeatlandEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Wetlands → Unclassified → Tropical Peatland0.94%
Permafrost SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Wetlands → Permafrost → Permafrost Soil0.94%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Grasslands → Soil0.94%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Forest Soil → Soil0.94%
Arabidopsis RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Unclassified → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Rhizosphere0.94%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Unclassified → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.94%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.94%
Populus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Populus Rhizosphere0.94%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere0.94%

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Associated Samples

Taxon OIDSample NameHabitat TypeIMG/M Link
3300001593Forest soil microbial communities from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada - Black Spruce, Ontario site 2_A8_OM2_M2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300002560Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample 09_25_2013_1_20cmEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300004119Forest soil microbial communities from Harvard Forest Long Term Ecological Research site in Petersham, Massachusetts, USA - MetaT HF210 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005163Soil and rhizosphere microbial communities from Laval, Canada - mgHMBEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005171Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_126EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005293Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, MSU, sample Bulk Soil Replicate 1 : eDNA_1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300005446Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_135EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005454Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_136EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005554Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_110EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005650Permafrost soil microbial communities from the Arctic, to analyse light accelerated degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) - Organic soil replicate RNA 2013_055 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005764Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil - Plot 1 (version 2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006102Freshwater sediment microbial communities in response to fracking from Pennsylvania, USA - Alex Branch Run_MetaG_ABR_2013EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006354Freshwater sediment microbial communities in response to fracking from Pennsylvania, USA - Cold Stream Run_MetaG_CSR_2012EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006914Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. TD hybrid SRZTD5Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300007265Vadose zone soil microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California, USA - Rivendell_Oct2014_Saprolite_2_DNA_Rhizosphere_1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009038Vadose zone soil microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California, USA - CZOApr15con2H2.8 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009088Vadose zone soil microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California, USA - CZOApr15con2H3.8 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009521Peat soil microbial communities from Weissenstadt, Germany - Sb_50d_9_AC metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009553Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S4-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300010098Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Met_20_2_4_1 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010858Boreal forest soil eukaryotic communities from Alaska, USA - C3-2 Metatranscriptome (Eukaryote Community Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010880Boreal forest soil eukaryotic communities from Alaska, USA - C5-1 Metatranscriptome (Eukaryote Community Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300011120Combined assembly of Microbial Forest Soil metaTEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300011271Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - 15con2h3.4B metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012004Permafrost microbial communities from Nunavut, Canada - A30_5cm_6MEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012189Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - 15con2h1.4A metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012209Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage2_L_80_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012357Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage2_R_60_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012361Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - Mad1_60_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012373Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Glu_40cm_2_0_1 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012406Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Glu_40cm_5_4_1 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012917Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - czobulk2.16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012925Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug3_1_2_16fungal (Illumina Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012927Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug3_1_1_16fungal (Illumina Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012929Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZOMad2_1_16fungal (Illumina Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012948Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_14EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012971Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012976Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_D_Wat_40cm_5_0_1 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300013306Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - S5-5 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300014154Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_D_Rain_40cm_5_09212015EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300015052Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug1_16fungal (PacBio error correction)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300015082Arctic soil microbial communities from a glacier forefield, Storglaci?ren, Tarfala, Sweden (Sample st-11c, vegetated hydrological feature)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300015162Arctic soil microbial communities from a glacier forefield, Storglaci?ren, Tarfala, Sweden (Sample st-4c, rock/ice/stream interface)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300015374Col-0 rhizosphere combined assemblyHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017823Wetland sediment microbial communities from Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA - SO4_3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017927Wetland sediment microbial communities from Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA - SourceSoil_4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017930Wetland sediment microbial communities from Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA - SourceSoil_5EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017975Tropical peat soil microbial communities from peatlands in Department of Meta, Colombia - 0715_SJ02_MP15_20_MGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017996Peatland microbial communities from SPRUCE experiment site at the Marcell Experimental Forest, Minnesota, USA - June2016WEW_21_40EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018007Wetland sediment microbial communities from Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA - Control_5EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018020Peatland microbial communities from SPRUCE experiment site at the Marcell Experimental Forest, Minnesota, USA - June2016WEW_10_100EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018077Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM3-1_170_b1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018082Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM3-1_170_b2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020199Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug2_1_08_16fungal (Illumina Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020581Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-C-14-MEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021168Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-C-30-MEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021178Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-H-4-MEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021405Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-C-7-OEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021433Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-C-12-OEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021478Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-C-7-MEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021560Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300022513Metatranscriptome of lab incubated forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-H-26-O (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300022530Metatranscriptome of forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Native-BW-C-30-O (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300022531Metatranscriptome of forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Native-BW-H-28-M (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300022720Metatranscriptome of lab incubated forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-H-28-O (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300024330Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug3_1_1_16fungal (PacBio error correction)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025898Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - LAR L5-2 metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025916Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - LAR L5-3 metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025938Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Miscanthus M1-2 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300026469Soil microbial communities from H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, United States - DL-17-BEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026490Soil microbial communities from H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, United States - DW-10-AEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026550Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_145 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027654Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil Plot 36 MoBio (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027660Forest soil microbial communities from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada - Black Spruce, Ontario site 2_A8_Ref_M3 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027681Forest soil microbial communities from El Dorado National Forest, California, USA - Mediterranean Blodgett CA OM3_M2 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027684Forest soil microbial communities from Algoma, Ontario, Canada - Jack Pine, Ontario site 1_JW_OM1H0_M2 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027819Subsurface groundwater microbial communities from S. Glens Falls, New York, USA - GMW37 contaminated, 5.8 m (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027835Subsurface groundwater microbial communities from S. Glens Falls, New York, USA - GMW60B uncontaminated upgradient, 5.4 m (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027867Surface soil microbial communities from Centralia Pennsylvania, which are recovering from an underground coalmine fire - Coalmine Soil_Cen05_05102014_R1 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027875Vadose zone soil microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California, USA - CZOApr15con2H1.8 metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027879Warmed soil microbial communities from the Hubbard Brook experimental Forest, New Hampshire - Hubbard Brook CCASE Soil Metagenome WRM 4 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027882Vadose zone soil microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California, USA - CZOApr15con1.8 metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027894Freshwater sediment microbial communities in response to fracking from Pennsylvania, USA - Cold Stream Run_MetaG_CSR_2012 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027895Forest soil microbial communities from Algoma, Ontario, Canada - Jack Pine, Ontario site 1_JW_OM2H0_O1 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027905Peat soil microbial communities from Weissenstadt, Germany - SII-SIP-2007 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028780Peat permafrost microbial communities from Stordalen Mire near Abisko, Sweden - II_Palsa_E3_2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300029993Peat permafrost microbial communities from Stordalen Mire near Abisko, Sweden - III_Palsa_E2_2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030923Forest soil microbial communities from Spain - ITS-tags Site 9-Mixed-thinned forest site A3_MS_autumn Metatranscriptome (Eukaryote Community Metatranscriptome) (version 2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031128Oak Summer Coassembly Site 11 - Champenoux / Amance forestEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031545Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.166b4f26EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031754Hardwood forest soil microbial communities from Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Indiana, United States - atmos_gasesECM1C_515EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031823Hardwood forest soil microbial communities from Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Indiana, United States - atmos_gasesECM4C_05EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031897Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.178b2f16EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031962Hardwood forest soil microbial communities from Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Indiana, United States - atmos_gasesECM4C_515EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M

Geographical Distribution
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Family Sequences

Protein ID Sample Taxon ID Habitat Sequence
JGI12635J15846_1006923753300001593Forest SoilLRRVNESILHVLGTVTISQMSEDPQEPALVALQT*
Ga0065715_1034500623300005293Miscanthus RhizosphereTDKCSVREPLRRVNESIMQVLSTVTISQMSEDPHEPVLIALSGAVR*
Ga0066903_10904245713300005764Tropical Forest SoilTCTVREPLRRVNESIARVLRSVTISQMSEDSPDAELVGLSV*
Ga0075436_10155538523300006914Populus RhizosphereKCSVREPLRRVNESILQVLGTVTISQMCDDPQEQVLVALRA*
Ga0099829_1067296123300009038Vadose Zone SoilVREPLRRVNESILQVLGTVTISQMSEEPQERALVELRT*
Ga0099829_1171374213300009038Vadose Zone SoilPLRRVNESILQVLNTVTISQMSEEPPEASLVGLRT*
Ga0116222_121480813300009521Peatlands SoilVREPLRRVNESIMQVLRNVTISQMSDDTAGELVELSN*
Ga0105249_1260844613300009553Switchgrass RhizosphereKCSVREPLRRVNESIMQVLSTVTISQMCDDPQEQVLVALRA*
Ga0127463_108754623300010098Grasslands SoilEPLRRVNESILNVLSTVTISQMSEELHEPALVALRT*
Ga0126345_100314233300010858Boreal Forest SoilSVREPLRRVNESILQVLSTVTISQMSEEPQEQVLVELRT*
Ga0137393_1113992123300011271Vadose Zone SoilLRRVNDSILQVLSMVTISQMSEEPPQSSLVELQG*
Ga0137388_1151943713300012189Vadose Zone SoilEPLRRVNESILQVLSTVTISQMSEDPHEPALVELRT*
Ga0134042_111522713300012373Grasslands SoilKEPLRRVNESILNVLGSVTIAQMSEDPHEPSLVALRT*
Ga0137416_1028437213300012927Vadose Zone SoilVREPLRRVNESILNVLSNVTISQMSEEPHERALVELRT*
Ga0126369_1279285823300012971Tropical Forest SoilCSVREPLRRVNESILHVLGTVTISQMSDDPQERTLVEIRG*
Ga0163162_1019141013300013306Switchgrass RhizosphereLRRVNESIMQVLSTVTISQMSEDPHEPVLIALSGAVR*
Ga0163162_1209165823300013306Switchgrass RhizosphereEPLRRVNESIMQVLSTVTISQMCDDPQEQVLVALRA*
Ga0167662_100399933300015082Glacier Forefield SoilSTKCSVREPLRRVNESVLQVLNAVTISQMCDEPQEQVLVALQA*
Ga0132255_10580857913300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereSKCSVREPLRRVNESIMQVLSTVTISQMCDDPQEQVLVALRA*
Ga0187818_1002507713300017823Freshwater SedimentKEPLRRVNESILSVLSAVTISQMSEDPQEPALVALKA
Ga0187824_1018725123300017927Freshwater SedimentPLRRVNESIAQVLRSVTISQMLEDSPDPELIGLSV
Ga0187782_1102725823300017975Tropical PeatlandVREPLRKVNESIVQVLRAVSISQMSEESHEPELVGLR
Ga0184633_1046485613300018077Groundwater SedimentPLRRVNESILQVLSTVTISQMSEDPQGPALVELRS
Ga0184639_1007475613300018082Groundwater SedimentTCTVREPLRRVNDSILQILKTVTISQLSEDSSEPVLVDLPS
Ga0137417_137669793300024330Vadose Zone SoilEPLRRVNESILNVLSTVTISQMSEEPYEPALVALRT
Ga0207692_1082064013300025898Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereSVREPLRRVNESILNVLNTVTIAQMSEEPHEQALVALKA
Ga0207692_1087120323300025898Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizospherePLRRVNESILQVLSTVTISQMSEEPLEPALVELRA
Ga0207663_1073913823300025916Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereGAADKCSVREPLRRVNESILSVLSTVTISHMSEEQHEPVLVELQT
Ga0207704_1195751813300025938Miscanthus RhizosphereAASKCSVREPLRRVNESIMQVLSTVTISQMCDDPQEQVLVALRA
Ga0209799_106417123300027654Tropical Forest SoilREPLRRVNESIMQVLSTVTIAQMCDDPQEQILVALRA
Ga0209283_1002539783300027875Vadose Zone SoilREPLRRVNESILSVLSAVTISQMSEEPHEPALVALRT
Ga0209415_1069168223300027905Peatlands SoilEPLRRVNDSILQILKAVTISQMTEGSAERELVDLPS
Ga0307475_1009677313300031754Hardwood Forest SoilPLRRVNESILQVLHTVTISQMCEEPQQEMLVALRA
Ga0307478_1061459613300031823Hardwood Forest SoilRCSVREPLRRVNESILHVLGTVTISQMSEEPQEPALVELRT
Ga0307478_1089992623300031823Hardwood Forest SoilREPLRRVNESILQILKAVTISQMSDDSREHVLVELPS
Ga0307479_1051146713300031962Hardwood Forest SoilSVREPLRRVNESILNVLSTVTISQMSEEPHEPSLVALRT


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