A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Families

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters
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Metagenome Family F100780

Metagenome Family F100780

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Basic Information
Family ID F100780
Family Type Metagenome
Number of Sequences 102
Average Sequence Length 40 residues
Number of Associated Samples 95
Number of Associated Scaffolds 102

Quality Assessment
Transcriptomic Evidence No
Most common taxonomic group Bacteria
% of genes with valid RBS motifs 74.00 %
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) 98.04 %
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) 92.16 %
Associated GOLD sequencing projects 91
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction Yes
3D model pTM-score0.32

Note: High quality evidence is represented by blue. Low quality evidence is represented by red.
Hidden Markov Model
Powered by Skylign

Most Common Taxonomy
Group Bacteria (98.039 % of family members)
NCBI Taxonomy ID 2
Taxonomy All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria

Most Common Ecosystem
GOLD Ecosystem Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Soil
(18.628 % of family members)
Environment Ontology (ENVO) Unclassified
(32.353 % of family members)
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) Free-living → Non-saline → Soil (non-saline)
(62.745 % of family members)


Multiple Sequence Alignments

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Structure & Topology

Predicted Secondary Structure and Topology

Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure
Classification: Globular Signal Peptide: No Secondary Structure distribution: α-helix: 26.56%    β-sheet: 0.00%    Coil/Unstructured: 73.44%
Feature Viewer
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Predicted 3D Structure

Structure Viewer
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT):
  0-50   51-70   71-90   91-100  
pTM-score: 0.32
Powered by PDBe Molstar

Low Quality Model:

This family has a low confidence model (pTM < 0.7) and has not been screened against SCOPe or PDB.


Gene Neighborhood

Neighboring Pfam domains

Pfam IDName % Frequency in 102 Family Scaffolds
PF08281Sigma70_r4_2 86.27
PF13801Metal_resist 7.84
PF01019G_glu_transpept 1.96
PF07813LTXXQ 0.98
PF04542Sigma70_r2 0.98

Neighboring Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs)

COG IDNameFunctional Category % Frequency in 102 Family Scaffolds
COG3678Periplasmic chaperone Spy, Spy/CpxP familyPosttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones [O] 3.92
COG0405Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidaseAmino acid transport and metabolism [E] 1.96
COG0568DNA-directed RNA polymerase, sigma subunit (sigma70/sigma32)Transcription [K] 0.98
COG1191DNA-directed RNA polymerase specialized sigma subunitTranscription [K] 0.98
COG1595DNA-directed RNA polymerase specialized sigma subunit, sigma24 familyTranscription [K] 0.98
COG4941Predicted RNA polymerase sigma factor, contains C-terminal TPR domainTranscription [K] 0.98



NCBI Taxonomy

Select NCBI taxonomy Level:
All OrganismsrootAll Organisms98.04 %
UnclassifiedrootN/A1.96 %

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Associated Scaffolds

ScaffoldTaxonomyLengthIMG/M Link
2170459005|F1BAP7Q02JR2LTAll Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia513Open in IMG/M
3300001593|JGI12635J15846_10780411All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia548Open in IMG/M
3300004479|Ga0062595_102422957All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia521Open in IMG/M
3300005172|Ga0066683_10331884All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium945Open in IMG/M
3300005178|Ga0066688_10378156All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia918Open in IMG/M
3300005180|Ga0066685_10876056All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia602Open in IMG/M
3300005332|Ga0066388_105964182All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia616Open in IMG/M
3300005356|Ga0070674_101763354All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia561Open in IMG/M
3300005445|Ga0070708_100453645All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1210Open in IMG/M
3300005451|Ga0066681_10592000All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia683Open in IMG/M
3300005535|Ga0070684_100257756All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1595Open in IMG/M
3300005536|Ga0070697_100175805All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1813Open in IMG/M
3300005536|Ga0070697_101715162All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia562Open in IMG/M
3300005554|Ga0066661_10270109All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1050Open in IMG/M
3300005556|Ga0066707_10593440All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia709Open in IMG/M
3300005557|Ga0066704_10581669All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia724Open in IMG/M
3300005575|Ga0066702_10561639All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia689Open in IMG/M
3300005842|Ga0068858_101974548All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia577Open in IMG/M
3300006046|Ga0066652_100032278All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales3765Open in IMG/M
3300006796|Ga0066665_11198119All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales579Open in IMG/M
3300006797|Ga0066659_11739362All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales526Open in IMG/M
3300006800|Ga0066660_11593331All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales517Open in IMG/M
3300009174|Ga0105241_10836958All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium850Open in IMG/M
3300010040|Ga0126308_11120711All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia555Open in IMG/M
3300010043|Ga0126380_10318870All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia1115Open in IMG/M
3300010047|Ga0126382_11226114All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia673Open in IMG/M
3300010323|Ga0134086_10247764All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia678Open in IMG/M
3300010358|Ga0126370_10653232All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium916Open in IMG/M
3300010359|Ga0126376_10549294All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia1081Open in IMG/M
3300010361|Ga0126378_12757466All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia561Open in IMG/M
3300010366|Ga0126379_11459681All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia790Open in IMG/M
3300010376|Ga0126381_103539294All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria613Open in IMG/M
3300010397|Ga0134124_10128434All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia2239Open in IMG/M
3300012096|Ga0137389_11655993All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia536Open in IMG/M
3300012199|Ga0137383_10303619All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales → Chthoniobacteraceae → Candidatus Udaeobacter1169Open in IMG/M
3300012200|Ga0137382_10322490All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia1080Open in IMG/M
3300012207|Ga0137381_10190763All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1775Open in IMG/M
3300012210|Ga0137378_10985649All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium756Open in IMG/M
3300012285|Ga0137370_10048505All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales → Chthoniobacteraceae → Candidatus Udaeobacter → Candidatus Udaeobacter copiosus2271Open in IMG/M
3300012285|Ga0137370_10690830All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia634Open in IMG/M
3300012357|Ga0137384_10910618All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia708Open in IMG/M
3300012357|Ga0137384_11516020All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia520Open in IMG/M
3300012361|Ga0137360_10048818All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales → Chthoniobacteraceae → Candidatus Udaeobacter → Candidatus Udaeobacter copiosus3040Open in IMG/M
3300012361|Ga0137360_10605667All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia938Open in IMG/M
3300012502|Ga0157347_1060848All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia540Open in IMG/M
3300012897|Ga0157285_10085877All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia840Open in IMG/M
3300012923|Ga0137359_10399631All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales → Chthoniobacteraceae → Candidatus Udaeobacter1219Open in IMG/M
3300012925|Ga0137419_10860934All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia744Open in IMG/M
3300012944|Ga0137410_10920123All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium741Open in IMG/M
3300012948|Ga0126375_10586030All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia849Open in IMG/M
3300012972|Ga0134077_10242756All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia744Open in IMG/M
3300012975|Ga0134110_10129515All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1034Open in IMG/M
3300012977|Ga0134087_10135506All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1060Open in IMG/M
3300015241|Ga0137418_10185913All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales → Chthoniobacteraceae → Candidatus Udaeobacter → Candidatus Udaeobacter copiosus1806Open in IMG/M
3300015357|Ga0134072_10093376All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium914Open in IMG/M
3300016445|Ga0182038_10138605All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia1838Open in IMG/M
3300016445|Ga0182038_11794522All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia553Open in IMG/M
3300017659|Ga0134083_10324711All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia658Open in IMG/M
3300018061|Ga0184619_10535342All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia514Open in IMG/M
3300018431|Ga0066655_11457189All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia500Open in IMG/M
3300018433|Ga0066667_10850871All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia781Open in IMG/M
3300018433|Ga0066667_11127694All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia680Open in IMG/M
3300018482|Ga0066669_11038209All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia740Open in IMG/M
3300019876|Ga0193703_1022151All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia977Open in IMG/M
3300019877|Ga0193722_1048902All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1073Open in IMG/M
3300019879|Ga0193723_1037465All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales → Chthoniobacteraceae → Candidatus Udaeobacter → Candidatus Udaeobacter copiosus1448Open in IMG/M
3300019885|Ga0193747_1013029All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales → Chthoniobacteraceae → Candidatus Udaeobacter → Candidatus Udaeobacter copiosus2020Open in IMG/M
3300020016|Ga0193696_1014004All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales → Chthoniobacteraceae → Candidatus Udaeobacter → Candidatus Udaeobacter copiosus2171Open in IMG/M
3300021406|Ga0210386_11686199All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia524Open in IMG/M
3300021418|Ga0193695_1022794All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → Spartobacteria → Chthoniobacterales → Chthoniobacteraceae → Candidatus Udaeobacter → Candidatus Udaeobacter copiosus1322Open in IMG/M
3300023069|Ga0247751_1085915All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia557Open in IMG/M
3300023263|Ga0247800_1024420All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1001Open in IMG/M
3300024179|Ga0247695_1007213All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1581Open in IMG/M
3300026078|Ga0207702_12353082All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia520Open in IMG/M
3300026305|Ga0209688_1078068All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia598Open in IMG/M
3300026310|Ga0209239_1071775All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1511Open in IMG/M
3300026324|Ga0209470_1359455All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia521Open in IMG/M
3300026326|Ga0209801_1351106All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia519Open in IMG/M
3300026496|Ga0257157_1074375All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia584Open in IMG/M
3300026528|Ga0209378_1294057All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia519Open in IMG/M
3300026532|Ga0209160_1308014All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia539Open in IMG/M
3300026538|Ga0209056_10622262All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia544Open in IMG/M
3300026542|Ga0209805_1429829All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia512Open in IMG/M
3300026557|Ga0179587_10588590All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia732Open in IMG/M
3300026699|Ga0208707_100026All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1773Open in IMG/M
3300027667|Ga0209009_1165765All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia561Open in IMG/M
3300027717|Ga0209998_10093603All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia739Open in IMG/M
3300027846|Ga0209180_10688349All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia557Open in IMG/M
3300027873|Ga0209814_10269801All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia739Open in IMG/M
3300028281|Ga0247689_1055949All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia558Open in IMG/M
3300028716|Ga0307311_10056518All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia1050Open in IMG/M
3300028824|Ga0307310_10296659All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia786Open in IMG/M
3300031446|Ga0170820_13291514All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia607Open in IMG/M
3300031912|Ga0306921_12750537All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia504Open in IMG/M
3300031938|Ga0308175_102406333All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia590Open in IMG/M
3300031942|Ga0310916_10196316All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium1687Open in IMG/M
3300032001|Ga0306922_11305140All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia734Open in IMG/M
3300032076|Ga0306924_11050609All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia → unclassified Verrucomicrobia → Verrucomicrobia bacterium891Open in IMG/M
3300032076|Ga0306924_12062649All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → PVC group → Verrucomicrobia586Open in IMG/M
3300032261|Ga0306920_103239245All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria608Open in IMG/M


Environmental Properties

Associated Habitat Types

Select Environment Taxonomy Level:
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Soil18.63%
Vadose Zone SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Vadose Zone Soil16.67%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil8.82%
Tropical Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Tropical Forest Soil7.84%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil6.86%
Grasslands SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Grasslands Soil5.88%
Grasslands SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Grasslands Soil5.88%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil4.90%
Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Agricultural Soil → Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere2.94%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural Land → Soil1.96%
Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Forest Soil → Forest Soil1.96%
Polar Desert SandEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Ice → Unclassified → Polar Desert Sand0.98%
Groundwater SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Groundwater Sediment0.98%
Terrestrial SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Terrestrial Soil0.98%
Serpentine SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Serpentine Soil0.98%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural Land → Soil0.98%
Grass SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Grass Soil0.98%
Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Forest Soil0.98%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural → Soil0.98%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Grasslands → Soil0.98%
Tropical Forest SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Forest Soil → Tropical Forest Soil0.98%
Corn RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Agricultural Soil → Corn Rhizosphere0.98%
Corn RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Corn Rhizosphere0.98%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere0.98%
Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Thaliana Rhizosphere0.98%
Arabidopsis RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Roots → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Rhizosphere0.98%
Populus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Populus Rhizosphere0.98%
Corn RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Corn Rhizosphere0.98%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Soil → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.98%

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Associated Samples

Taxon OIDSample NameHabitat TypeIMG/M Link
2170459005Grass soil microbial communities from Rothamsted Park, UK - July 2009 direct MP BIO1O1 lysis 0-21cmEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300001593Forest soil microbial communities from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada - Black Spruce, Ontario site 2_A8_OM2_M2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300002915Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample 09_27_2013_1_20cmEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300004479Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling - Combined assembly of All WPAsEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005172Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_132EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005178Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_137EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005180Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_134EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005332Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil - Plot 6 (Hybrid Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005356Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS M3-3 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300005445Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS K5-50-3 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005451Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_130EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005535Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C7.2-3L metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005536Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS K1-50-1 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005554Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_110EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005556Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_156EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005557Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_153EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005575Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_151EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005842Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Switchgrass S1-2Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300006046Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_101EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006796Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_114EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006797Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_108EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006800Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_109EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009174Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C6-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300010040Serpentine soil microbial communities from UC McLaughlin Reserve, CA, USA - Plot55EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010043Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_26EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010047Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_30EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010323Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_D_Glu_40cm_2_24_1 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010358Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010359Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_15EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010361Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_23EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010366Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_24EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010376Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_28EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010397Terrestrial soil microbial communities without Nitrogen fertilizer from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KB3-0-4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012096Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - 15con2h1.4B metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012199Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage2_R_40_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012200Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage2_R_20_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012207Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage2_L_115_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012210Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage2_L_60_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012285Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage1_R_20_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012357Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage2_R_60_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012361Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - Mad1_60_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012502Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Oy.2.yng.040610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012681Polar desert sand microbial communities from Dry Valleys, Antarctica - metaG UQ272 (21.06)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012897Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling UWRJ-S074-202C-1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012923Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - Mad1_40_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012925Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug3_1_2_16fungal (Illumina Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012944Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug1_16fungal (Illumina Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012948Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_14EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012972Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_D_Wat_40cm_5_24_1 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012975Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_D_Rain_20cm_5_11112015EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012977Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_D_Glu_20cm_5_24_1 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300015241Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug3_1_2_16fungal (Hybrid Assembly)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300015357Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_D_Wat_20cm_5_0_1 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300016445Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - statanox.12C.anox.44.000.108EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017659Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_D_Met_40cm_5_24_1 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018061Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM0_60_b1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018431Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_104EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018433Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_116EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018482Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_118EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300019876Soil microbial communities from a riparian zone of the East river system, Colorado, United States ? U3a2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300019877Soil microbial communities from a riparian zone of the East river system, Colorado, United States ? H2m1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300019879Soil microbial communities from a riparian zone of the East river system, Colorado, United States ? H2m2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300019885Soil microbial communities from a riparian zone of the East river system, Colorado, United States ? L1m2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020016Soil microbial communities from a riparian zone of the East river system, Colorado, United States ? L3m1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021406Forest soil microbial communities from Barre Woods Harvard Forest LTER site, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States - Inc-BW-H-32-OEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021418Soil microbial communities from a riparian zone of the East river system, Colorado, United States ? L3s2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300023069Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, United States - UWRJ-S049-202B-5EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300023263Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, United States - UWRJ-S092-311B-6EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300024179Soil microbial communities from Purdue University Martell Research Forest, Indiana, United States - CNK36EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026078Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Corn C6-2 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300026305Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_142 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026310Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample 10_02_2013_2_20cm (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026324Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_125 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026326Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_127 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026496Soil microbial communities from H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, United States - NI-69-AEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026528Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_156 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026532Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_153 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026538Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_114 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026542Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_148 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026557Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug2_1_08_16fungalEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026699Grasslands soil microbial communities from Kansas, USA, that are Nitrogen fertilized - NN574 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027667Forest soil microbial communities from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada - Black Spruce, Ontario site 2_A8_OM3_M2 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027717Arabidopsis thaliana rhizosphere microbial communities from the Joint Genome Institute, USA, that affect carbon cycling - Endophyte Co-N S PM (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300027846Vadose zone soil microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California, USA - CZOApr15con2H2.8 metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027873Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Soil MetaG P. deltoides SBSDD1 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028281Soil microbial communities from Purdue University Martell Research Forest, Indiana, United States - CNK30EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028716Soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_DNA_198EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028824Soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_DNA_197EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031446Fir Summer Coassembly Site 11 - Champenoux / Amance forestEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031912Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - statoxic.12C.oxic.44.000.080 (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031938Soil microbial communities from UC Gill Tract Community Farm, Albany, California, United States - DLSLS.C.R1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031942Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.bulkMG.LF176EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032001Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - statoxic.12C.oxic.44.000.082 (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032076Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - statanox.12C.anox.44.000.111 (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032261Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - flux4day.12C.oxic.44.000.170 (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M

Geographical Distribution
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Family Sequences

Protein ID Sample Taxon ID Habitat Sequence
Ga0070708_10045364513300005445Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMKNDKIDRLLRSAAQAGEEPAAMPFGFDTRVVALWRAATP
Ga0070684_10025775643300005535Corn RhizosphereMKDQIDRLLRSAAQADDEAPAEMPFGFDTRVVALRSRSRG
Ga0070697_10017580543300005536Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMKDGKMDRLLRSAAQVHEETVPAMPFGFDTRVVALWRAATPIANGVT
Ga0070697_10171516223300005536Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMKSVDPKIDRLLRSAAQAHEDVPAAMPFGFDTRIVALWRS
Ga0068858_10197454813300005842Switchgrass RhizosphereMKNQQIDRLLQSAAQANQEVPAMPFGFDTRVVALWR
Ga0105241_1083695813300009174Corn RhizosphereMKNEHIDRLLRSAAQTDEEVPSAMPFGFDTRVVALW
Ga0126308_1112071113300010040Serpentine SoilMKNEQIDRLLGSAAQADEEVPAEMPFGFDTRVVAL
Ga0126380_1031887013300010043Tropical Forest SoilMKNHGIDRLLQSAAQATGEAPAEMPFGFDTRVVALWR
Ga0126376_1054929413300010359Tropical Forest SoilMKNHEIDRLLRSAAKTGDEALDEMPFGFDTRVVALW
Ga0126378_1275746623300010361Tropical Forest SoilMRNDKIDRLLRSAALTGEEAPAAMPFGFDTRVVALW
Ga0126379_1145968113300010366Tropical Forest SoilMKNHGIDRLLQSAAQATGEAPAGMPFGFDTRVVAIWRASR
Ga0126381_10353929413300010376Tropical Forest SoilPLKSDNIDRLLRSAAQRGEEAHASMAFKFETRVVPIGRAA*
Ga0134124_1012843413300010397Terrestrial SoilMKEHEIDRLLRSAAKTGDEAPPEMPFGFDTRVVALWRGL
Ga0137378_1098564933300012210Vadose Zone SoilMKDEKTDRLLRSAAQAREENASTMPFGFDTRVVALW
Ga0137384_1091061813300012357Vadose Zone SoilMKDHEIDRLLRSAAQTGDEAPAAMPFGFDTRVVALR
Ga0157347_106084823300012502Arabidopsis RhizosphereMKNEQIDRLLQSAAQVDEDVPAAMPFGFDTRVVALWR
Ga0136613_1039736313300012681Polar Desert SandMKRRDADLDRLLRAAADAESDSAPAEMPFGFDTRVVA
Ga0134087_1013550643300012977Grasslands SoilMNNDEIDRLLRSAAKMGEEHSAAMPFGFDTRVVALWRA
Ga0134072_1009337613300015357Grasslands SoilMKSVDPKIDRLLRSAAQTHEDFPAAMPFGFDTRIV
Ga0184619_1053534223300018061Groundwater SedimentMRNDVDLTLRRLLRSAARSGEDAPAAAPFGFDTRVVAL
Ga0066667_1085087113300018433Grasslands SoilMKDKKLDRLLQAAARVGEETPAMMPFGFDTRVVAL
Ga0066667_1112769423300018433Grasslands SoilMKNEHIDRLLRSAAQADKEVPAAMPFGFDTRVVALW
Ga0209239_107177513300026310Grasslands SoilMKDEKIDRLLRSAAQAGEEAPAGMPFGFDTRVVAL
Ga0209998_1009360323300027717Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereMKDHEIDRLLRSAAKTGDEDPAEMPFGFDTRVVALWRA


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