A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Families

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters
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Sample 3300017349

3300017349: Metatranscriptome of marine algae-associated eukaryotic communities from Gulf of Mexico in f/2 medium with seawater, 25 C, 36 psu salinity and 258 ?mol photons light - Karenia brevis Wilson (MMETSP0202)


Basic Information
IMG/M Taxon OID3300017349 Open in IMG/M
GOLD Reference
(Study | Sequencing Project | Analysis Project)
Gs0128947 | Gp0212338 | Ga0186626
Sample NameMetatranscriptome of marine algae-associated eukaryotic communities from Gulf of Mexico in f/2 medium with seawater, 25 C, 36 psu salinity and 258 ?mol photons light - Karenia brevis Wilson (MMETSP0202)
Sequencing StatusPermanent Draft
Sequencing CenterNational Center for Genome Resources
Use PolicyOpen

Dataset Contents
Total Genome Size72362841
Sequencing Scaffolds90
Novel Protein Genes119
Associated Families86

Dataset Phylogeny
Taxonomy GroupsNumber of Scaffolds
Not Available5
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota2
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae21
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar27
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae → Gonyaulacales → Pyrocystaceae → Alexandrium → Alexandrium catenella1
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae → Gonyaulacales1
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Perkinsozoa → Perkinsea → Perkinsida → Perkinsidae → Perkinsus → Perkinsus marinus1
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae → Suessiales7
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae → Suessiales → Symbiodiniaceae → Symbiodinium6
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae → Gonyaulacales → Pyrocystaceae → Alexandrium5
All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae → Peridiniales → Endodiniaceae → Brandtodinium → Brandtodinium nutricula1
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae → Noctilucales → Noctilucaceae → Noctiluca → Noctiluca scintillans2
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Stramenopiles → Ochrophyta → Pelagophyceae → Pelagomonadales → Aureococcus → Aureococcus anophagefferens6
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae → Gonyaulacales → Goniodomataceae → Pyrodinium → Pyrodinium bahamense1
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae → Gonyaulacales → Pyrocystaceae → Alexandrium → Alexandrium andersonii2
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Sar → Alveolata → Dinophyceae → Oxyrrhinales → Oxyrrhinaceae → Oxyrrhis → Oxyrrhis marina1

Ecosystem and Geography

Ecosystem Assignment (GOLD)
NameThe Marine Microbial Eukaryote Meta/transcriptome Sequencing Project (mmetsp)
TaxonomyHost-Associated → Human → Digestive System → Large Intestine → Fecal → Host-Associated → The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Meta/transcriptome Sequencing Project (mmetsp)

Alternative Ecosystem Assignments
Environment Ontology (ENVO)Unclassified
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO)Free-living → Saline → Water (saline)

Location Information
LocationGulf of Mexico
CoordinatesLat. (o)N/ALong. (o)N/AAlt. (m)N/ADepth (m)N/A
Location on Map
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Associated Families

Associated Scaffolds



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