Viral Genome: UHGV-1866394

Genome Information

UHGV ID UHGV-1866394
vOTU ID vOTU-000010
Representative Genome? No
Source DEVoC
Original genome ID ViralSequence106
Associated BioSample SAMN18819038
Viral genome confidence Confident

Quality assessment
CheckV method DTR
CheckV completeness 100 (Complete)
Trimmed provirus No
CheckV viral markers 17
CheckV host markers 0
Recoded stop codon No
Viral Content
geNomad score 0.9807
Virus hallmark genes (geNomad) 8
Plasmid hallmark genes (geNomad) 0
viralVerify prediction Virus
viralVerify score 52.5
Jumbo phage No

Genome content
Genome length (bp) 79,355
GC content 39.23%
Genetic code The Standard Bacterial, Archaeal and Plant Plastid Code (11)
CDS genes 115
CDS density 91%
Average CDS length (bps) 627.81
Total tRNA genes 3
Suppressor tRNA genes 0
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